About Your District Attorney
The District Attorney for the Thirteenth Prosecutorial District is Susan Doyle
Thank you for visiting the web site of the District Attorney’s Office in Prosecutorial District 13. This District includes Johnston County in North Carolina. It is the duty of this office to represent the State of North Carolina with integrity and professionalism, while protecting victims and their rights, in the pursuit of justice.
The goal of this site is to make the information and services provided by the District Attorneys’ Office and the criminal justice system available to the public. Please take the time to search each webpage and explore all of the information we have provided you. Should you have any questions, we have also included details on how you may contact us.
“District Attorney” commonly refers to an attorney for the community elected by the people in his/her district to represent the interests of the general public, including crime victims in court proceedings against people accused of committing crimes. Other jurisdictions use various terms: Prosecutor, U.S. Attorney (a federal prosecutor), Solicitor, or State’s Attorney.
The primary duty of the District Attorney is to prosecute all criminal cases filed in the district. The District Attorney represents the state in all criminal and some juvenile matters. In addition, the District Attorney is responsible for preparing the criminal trial docket and advising law enforcement officers in the district.
Elected District Attorney: Susan Doyle has been a career prosecutor for 30 years. After graduating from undergrad at UNC-Chapel Hill and law school at Campbell University School of Law, Susan began working as an Assistant District Attorney in Johnston, Harnett & Lee Counties in 1994. Susan served as an ADA for thirteen years prior to being elected the first female District Attorney for Johnston County for seventeen years.
Susan has been an active member of the North Carolina Conference of District Attorneys throughout her tenure as the Elected District Attorney for Johnston County. She served as President for the North Carolina Conference of District Attorneys, Executive Committee member, Legislative Committee Chair, North Carolina Human Trafficking Commission member, North Carolina Legal Education Assistance Foundation Board of Directors, North Carolina Victim Assistance Network member, and North Carolina Mothers Against Drunk Driving Advisory Board member.
Susan was also selected as the Mothers Against Drunk Driving Prosecutor of the Year in 2009.
Mission Statement: The mission of the Johnston County District Attorney’s Office is to pursue justice and enhance public safety by diligently enforcing the laws of North Carolina through fair and ethical prosecution. The District Attorney’s Office will treat all victims of crime with dignity and respect and will partner with law enforcement to create a safe community for the people of Johnston County.
Courts Information
Traffic FAQ’s: How do I…?
Can the DA’s Office give me legal advice?
No. The District Attorney’s office represents the State of North Carolina and is responsible for prosecuting all crimes that occur In Johnston County.
See when my court date is?
Look up your court date at Court Dates | North Carolina Judicial Branch (nccourts.gov)
Pay my traffic ticket online?
You can pay your traffic ticket here: eCourts Services | North Carolina Judicial Branch (nccourts.gov) by clicking on “make payments.”
Request a speed reduction on my traffic ticket?
You can request a reduction here: eCourts Services | North Carolina Judicial Branch (nccourts.gov) by clicking on “Citations: request a speeding reduction or a dismissal in compliance.”
Request a dismissal of my traffic ticket?
You can request a dismissal of your traffic ticket here eCourts Services | North Carolina Judicial Branch (nccourts.gov) by clicking on “Citations: request a speeding reduction or a dismissal in compliance.”
Request a trial for my traffic ticket?
You may request a trial by appearing in court on your assigned court date and requesting a trial before the presiding judge.
Request a continuance?
We generally do not continue cases over the phone unless you need additional time to complete a driving school, obtain insurance information etc. For all other cases, you must appear in court and speak to the assistant district attorney about requesting a continuance.
Important Notes about Speeding Citations
If you were 21 years of age or younger at the time you were charged with a speeding ticket you are required to attend the Street Safe Driving Program if you are seeking a reduction or a dismissal. Click here Home – StreetSafe US to register for the class. You will receive a certificate upon successful completion of the course. You must provide the original certificate to the District Attorney’s Office in order to request a reduction or dismissal.
If you were charged with speeding more than 15MPH over the speed limit, or if you were charged with speeding 80MPH or more your court date is mandatory, and you must appear in court.
Helpful Links
Courthouse Locations
3rd floor
Smithfield, NC 27577